Apprentice Repeats
Can we briefly discuss how half the people on this year's The Apprentice (#5 if you can believe it) are clones of other characters on other TV shows/movies? Allow me to introduce...
Taylor Townsend (from the O.C.)
Orlando Bloom
Angela Chase (from My So-Called Life)
They aren't exact look-a-likes, except for Orlando "What I've learned from being in Mensa" Bloom. However all of them definitely trying as hard as they can to look famous and it's only the first episode. Taylor (whose real name is Perky McPerkerson... I mean, Tyrone Biggums... I mean, Allie) is so confidently cute I want to slap her, but just like her TV twin I'm sure she has a soft spot. Angela (a.k.a. Andrea - they even sound the same) actually gets her hair dyed with Crimson Glow and leans against walls a lot. And Orlando... I won't even go there. He is the definition of tool.
I love the Apprentice, though. Even though it's almost totally predictable if you know The Donald the way I do, it's one of the most reliable TV shows for real-world drama without falling into the Real World type arrest-and-hook-up trap. I much prefer to watch people screw up advertising tasks than screw each other under a well-placed blanket. And when candidates are put at risk and need someone to blame, they always show just a glimmer of their true personality. The case in point is Orlando/Tarek, who committed the near-fatal Apprentice mistake of bringing an extra person into the boardroom just to be vindictive. I repeat: What a tool. My English language skills fly out the window when faced with such moronic behavior.
Lee, on the other hand, struck me as somewhat adept in the boardroom and on the task. Unlike more recent "Recent College Graduates" (ahem) he seems like he actually has some tangible talents and good ideas. Time will tell, however.
More on other aspiring Apprenti later. Also, once I get my head together I plan on blogging The Rules of the Apprentice. You could make a drinking game out of them - drink each time a rule is followed. You might die.
(Speaking of drinking, did anyone else notice last night that at the Wharton brunch with the winning team Synergy, Trump had a bloody mary and everyone else was drinking tap water? It's almost like they were afraid to run up too much of a tab since they didn't want to seem rude.)
Apprentice Rules coming soon! For now, peruse these links:
Apprentice Home Page
More Info about Candidates (Including Last Names for you Internet Stalkers)
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